Egyptian Scientific journal of Pesticides Scientific Journal Published by THE EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF PESTICIDES


ISSN 2356-8623 (Print); ISSN 2356-8631(Online)






Scientific Journal Published by

The Egyptian Society of Pesticides


  1. Journal Title ABBREVIATION: Egy Sci J Pestic

  1. Aspects of the Journal:

The main goals of the journal publications are:

  • To enhance chemical and biological studies of pesticides.
  • Estimation the environmental impact of pesticides
  • Evaluation, improvement and development of pesticide application methods.
  • This scientific magazine aims to improve and encourage young researchers which work at universities, scientific institutes and research centers, nationally and internationally.
  • The magazine will be issued Quarterly.
  1. Publication fee: 800 LE
  1. Manuscript Submission :DownLoad Word Format Template File
(1) Submission Methods:
Paper submitted for publication should be sent to the magazine administration and electronic submission through email may also be encouraged.
(2) Software:
The Microsoft Word file will be preferred.
(3) Font:
Normal, Times New Roman, 10 pt, single space.
(4) Manuscript:
Don’t use “Footnote” or “Header and Footer”.
(5) Cover Letter:

Put the detail information of authors and the title.
(6) Title: Use Title Case in the title and subtitles.
(7) Figures and Tables:
Use Table (1), Fig (1):, e.g. "Table (1):". Concentration of total proteins”, “Fig (1):". SDS – Polyacrylamide gel”,
(8) References: Cite references by “last name, year”, e.g. “(Smith, 2003)”. References should include all the authors’ last names and initials, title, journal, year, volume, issue, and pages etc. Reference Examples: Journal Article: Hacker J, Hentschel U, Dobrindt U. (2003) Prokaryotic chromosomes and disease. Science; 301(34): 790-3. Book: Berkowitz BA, Katzung BG. (1995) Basic and clinical evaluation of new drugs. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic and clinical pharmacology. Appleton & Lance Publisher. Norwalk, Connecticut, USA., 60- 9.
(9) Submission Address:, The Egyptian Society of Pesticides, Central Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory (CAPL) building, 7 Nadi El-Said Street, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
(10) Reviewers:
- Authors are encouraged to suggest 2 competent reviewers, one from Universities and the other from Research Center or Institutions, with their name, position and email.
- Manuscripts will be sent to reviewers blindly to assure complete transparency.
  1. - Manuscript Preparation : Each manuscript is suggested to include the following components but authors can do their own ways:
(1) Title page:
Including the complete article title; each author’s full name; institution(s) with which each author is affiliated, with city, state/province, zip code, and country; and the name, complete mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number (if available), and e-mail address for all correspondence;
(2) Abstract:
Including background, materials and methods, results, and discussions;
(3) Keywords.
(5) 2.Materials and Methods.
(6) 3.Results (and Discussions).
(7) 4.Discussions.
(8) Conclusion.
(9) Acknowledgments.
(10) References.
  1. Copyright and Responsibility of Authors to their Articles :
When the manuscript(s) is submitted to the journal, the authors agree the following: All the authors have participated sufficiently in this work; The article is not published elsewhere; Authors are responsibility on the contents of the article; The journal and author(s) have same right for the copyright of the article and either of the journal or author(s) can use it by anyway without noting the other party.
    WebSite Designed by: Eng. Amira Farag Mohamed
    Copyright 2015
All rights Egyptian Scientific journal of Pesticides.